*All the bundles prices are on USD
x70000 Warpstone
x280 3 Minute Speedup
x200 15 Minute Speedup
x120 1 Hour Speedup
x86 3 Hour Speedup
x69 8 Hour Speedup
x56 15 Hour Speedup
x37 1 Day Speedup
x15 3 Day Speedup
x8 10 Day Speedup
x4 20 Day Speedup
x200000 Warpstone
x320 3 Minute Speedup
x220 15 Minute Speedup
x150 1 Hour Speedup
x100 3 Hour Speedup
x80 8 Hour Speedup
x74 15 Hours Speedup
x55 1 Day Speedup
x42 3 Day Speedup
x26 10 Day Speedup
x17 20 Day Speedup
x5000 Warpstone
x16 Large Invigorating Draft
x28 Invigorating Draft
x52 Smal Invigorating Draft
x1 Mythic Invoratinc Draft
x15000 Warpstone
x36 Large Invigorating Draft
x58 Invigorating Draft
x144 Smal Invigorating Draft
x12 Mythic Invoratinc Draft
x35000 Warpstone
x86 Large Invigorating Draft
x162 Invigorating Draft
x284 Smal Invigorating Draft
x32 Mythic Invoratinc Draft
x75000 Warpstone
x20000 Khorne Tier IV - Flesh Hound of Khorne
x20000 Khorne Tier IV - Skull Taker
x20000 Khorne Tier IV - Chaos Knight of Khorne
x20000 Khorne Tier IV - Khorngor
x13500 Khorne Tier V - Skullcannons of Khorne
x13500 Khorne Tier V - Daemon Prince of Khorne
x13500 Khorne Tier V - Skullcrusher of Khorne
x13500 Khorne Tier V - Gor of Khorne
x75000 Warpstone
x8000 Undivided Tier IV - Vortex Beast
x9000 Undivided Chariots Tier IV - Gorebeast
x9000 Undivided Tier IV - Chaos Knight
x9000 Undivided Tier IV - Chimera
x9000 Undivided Tier IV - Swords of Chaos
x9000 Undivided Tier IV - Dragon Ogres
x9000 Undivided Tier IV - Greater Chaos Spawn
x9000 Undivided Tier IV - Chaos Trolls
x9000 Undivided Tier IV - Chaos Chosen
x13500 Undivided Tier V - Rune Caller Curs'd Ettin
x13500 Undivided Tier V - Skin Wolves
x13500 Undivided Tier V - Sons of Nifflecht
x13500 Undivided Tier V - Brayherd Bestigor
x75000 Warpstone
x20000 Slaanesh Tier IV - Knight of Slaanesh
x20000 Slaanesh Tier IV - Tormentors
x20000 Slaanesh Tier IV - Fiends of Slaanesh
x20000 Slaanesh Tier IV - Slaangor
x18000 Slaanesh Tier V - Hellflayers of Slaanesh
x18000 Slaanesh Tier V - Daemon Prince of Slaanesh
x18000 Slaanesh Tier V - Gor of Slaanesh
x75000 Warpstone
x20000 Nurgle Tier IV - Chaos Knight of Nurgle
x20000 Nurgle Tier IV - Crowhunger Brethren
x20000 Nurgle Tier IV - Plague Drones of Nurgle
x20000 Nurgle Tier IV - Pestigor
x18000 Nurgle Tier V - Beasts of Nurgle
x18000 Nurgle Tier V - Daemon Prince of Nurgle
x18000 Nurgle Tier V - Gor of Nurgle
x75000 Warpstone
x20000 Tzeentch Tier IV - Chaos Knight of Tzeentch
x20000 Tzeentch Tier IV - Kaldours Knights
x20000 Tzeentch Tier IV - Screamers of Tzeentch
x20000 Tzeentch Tier IV - Tzaangor
x18000 Tzeentch Tier V - Burning Chariots of Tzeentch
x18000 Tzeentch Tier V - Daemon Prince of Tzeentch
x18000 Tzeentch Tier V - Gor of Tzeentch
3.000 + 2.250 BONUS
8.000 + 7.200 BONUS
20.000 + 20.000 BONUS
45.000 + 47.250 BONUS
120.000 + 138.000 BONUS
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Use a valid email to receive a purchase receipt, and keep it for your records. Once a transaction is made you will also receive an in-game mail confirming the items purchased.
Once a purchase is validated, the items will automatically be added immediately to your game account. Please note that you might need to restart the game to see the content of your purchase.
The items will be automatically added to your inventory, you won't receive a chest.
Unfortunately, we must advise against doing this. Any purchases made using your Webstore ID are assumed to be made by the account holder and we have no way of proving otherwise. Therefore, if you allow someone to make a purchase on your account, any fraudulent chargebacks or other prohibited activity would result in your account being banned. We strongly recommend that you do not share this code with anyone, as we cannot offer support if it results in your account being banned.
We recommend players don't share their Webstore ID to protect against fraud. Please do not ask other players for their ID.